
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2018

Finally the City of Bogor Issues a Plastic Ban at the Shopping Center

Buletin Nasional . Regulation of Mayor of Bogor (Perwali) number 61 in 2018 contains the prohibition of plastic in modern shopping centers. According to Elia Buntang, Head of the Bogor City Environment Agency (DLH), the prohibition regulation starts from the easiest to set up in advance. From the regulation, the simultaneous form of plastic prohibition was carried out starting on Saturday (1/12) this year. According to him, the regulation has been socialized since last August and is still ongoing today. If it has been implemented, modern shopping centers in the city of Bogor will no longer provide plastic shopping to customers, but rather disposable shopping bags. "In early December (1/12), all modern shopping centers in the city of Bogor will use disposable shopping bags," Elia said on Thursday (11/22). According to him, from 700 tons of garbage per day in the city of Bogor, there are three percent of plastic waste collected. The amount is expected to be reduced by the exist

Ahmad Dhani: I Propose To Pak Prabowo If He President December 2 Becomes Holidays

Poros Nasional . Ahmad Dhani's musician and Gerindra Party candidate claimed to be present at the 212 reunion on December 2. Dhani proposed December 2 to be a national holiday if Prabowo Subianto was elected President. "The main thing is that if Prabowo-Sandi wins, I will propose that Prabowo becomes President, 212 will make national holidays as a day for ukhuwah Islamiyah. December 2 will be a national holiday and a day for ukhuwah Islamiyah, because it is important," Dhani said after attending the meeting a combined 212 reunion at the DPR Complex, Central Jakarta, Thursday (11/22/2018). Dhani said that in the 212 reunion this was acting as a cheerleader. According to him, he could be a public relations (PR) or told anything. "My cheerleader, that's what the cheerleader said was told. So PR can," said Dhani. Dhani did not explain in more detail the December 2 proposal to become a national holiday which he considered important. Activist 212 Neno Warisman who

Found 11 carcasses without skin and fins in the Raja Ampat area

Tabloid Nasional . Tour guide member of the Association of Indonesian Guides in Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province, found 11 carcasses of sharks floating on a raft in the waters of West Waigeo Pam Islands. The carcass of the shark was found to have decayed and there were no more skin and fins. The eleven carcasses were found by a tour guide named Mecu Saleo. "I do activities in the waters of the Pam Islands and tell the other guide friends to be conveyed to relevant parties," he said in Waisai, Friday (11/23). Mecu Saleo said he found the carcass of the shark on Thursday, November 22, afternoon when passing by a small boat in the waters of the Pam Islands, precisely at Piaynemo Cape. He saw that there were two small rafts floating without anyone. Intrigued by the masterless raft, he immediately approached. How shocked he was when he saw 11 dead carcasses of sharks. "I immediately photographed the shark carcass to be reported to the related parties and viral. After t

Pemutihan Pajak Kendaraan DKI Sudah Berlaku Sebulan, Dimulai Pada Hari Ini

Harian Press . Mulai 15 November sampai 15 Desember 2018, Pemprov DKI Jakarta akan menghapuskan denda pajak kendaraan bermotor (PKB) dan sanksi administrasi bea balik nama kendaraan bermotor (BBNKB) atau yang dikenal dengan istilah 'pemutihan'. Hal itu tercantum dalam Surat Keputusan Kepala Badan Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 2315 Tahun 2018 tentang penetapan penghapusan sanksi administrasi untuk Pajak Kendaraan Bermotordan Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor. Seperti dikutip Antara, Surat tersebut ditandatangani Pelaksana tugas (Plt) Kepala Badan Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Faisal Syafruddin. Selain pajak kendaraan, dalam surat tersebut, tertuang perihal pajak bumi dan bangunan perdesaan dan perkotaan (PBB-P2) diberikan kepada wajib pajak yang tidak atau belum membayar PKB, BBN-KB, dan PBB-P2 terutang. Pemutihan Pajak Kendaraan DKI Berlaku Sebulan Mulai Hari IniPemutihan berarti memupus sanksi tunggakan pajak kendaraan. Faisa

Official Baiq Nuril Will Be Protected by LPSK

Pojok Pos . Women who are victims of sexual violence must dare to open their voices. Courage Baiq Nuril Maknun, victims of sexual harassment who are actually convicted, can be an example. Nuril now has the support of many parties, from President Joko Widodo to the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK). Yesterday Nuril was present in the DPR's discussion room. He was accompanied by his lawyer Joko Jumadi and DPR member Rieke Diah Pitaloka. There was also the Commissioner of the Masruchah Women's National Commission and Deputy Chairperson of LPSK Hasto Atmojo. When given the opportunity to speak, Nuril did not say much. His voice choked. "Fighting for women in Indonesia in particular, so that there will be no more Nuril Nuril in Indonesia. Thank you, "said the mother of three, almost crying. The case of Nuril who lost at the level of the Supreme Court (MA) did receive great attention. Nuril was sentenced to six months in prison and a fine of Rp500 million. However

PUNGLI, Sekertaris Tersangka, Indeks Desa Membangun Di Daerah Gunung Sari Terbaik Nasional-Berita Riau Hari Ini

Kanal Utama . Village Secretary (Sekdes) of Gunung Sari Village, Gunung Sahilan Subdistrict, Kampar District, Riau, Indonesia was named a suspect in the case of Pungli (Pungli). Meanwhile, Gunung Sari Village won the national best predicate based on the Village Build Index (IDM) measurement. Gunung Sari was one of the villages in Riau Province which was chosen by the Ministry of Village on November 9, only four days after the District Attorney General's Office (Kejari) established the Gunung Sari Village Secretary with the initials NH being a suspect. The Ministry chose Gunung Sari with the best IDM in Indonesia in 2018, along with 32 other villages throughout Indonesia. The best villages chosen are only one per province. Responding to this, the Head of the Kampar Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPMD), Febrinaldi Tridarmawan, emphasized that IDM assessment with extortion cases was a different side. IDM has nothing to do with the private Secretary who is suspected of exto

KSAD Andika Perkasa: Let People Want To Comment What

Pojok Nasional . TNI General Andika Perkasa was inaugurated today by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as Army Chief of Staff (Army Chief of Staff). He claimed he did not care and stressed that it was up to other people to respond to whatever he achieved. "Please want to say what I am doing like this, my situation is like this, and from the first, there is nothing like this that I have commented on anymore, whatever," said Andika Perkasa after being installed as Army Chief of Staff at the State Palace in Jakarta, Thursday (11/22) . According to him, he did not need to respond to other people's comments on him because he also considered it something unnecessary. He considered his appointment as KSAD for example purely an assessment of President Jokowi. "Yes, if you want to say anything, wis monggo, I can't comment and there's no need, all of them are the President who decides, I don't know what is in his assessment, yes, what matters first only, "he said

Prabowo-Sandi Will Provide Briefing For Volunteers At Istora Senayan

Rakyat Utama . Presidential Candidates (Candidates) and Candidates for Vice-President (Vice President) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno will provide debriefing to volunteers. The debriefing will be held at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (11/22/2018). The Director of Volunteers of the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo-Sandi, Ferry Mursyidan Baldan said, the presence of Prabowo-Sandi was highly anticipated by the volunteers. They want to hear the message from the presidential candidate and vice presidential candidate number 02 in the face of the 2019 presidential election. "It was the volunteer debriefing event by the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 02. The debriefing program was also internal," Hazmi said, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/21/2018). He said, after the debriefing of the volunteers, the Directorate of Volunteers would follow up with volunteer territory work meetings in their respective regions. The meeting will begin in December 2018.

The Baiq Nuril Case: Legal Solution with Pardon or Amnesty

Rakyat Digital . President Joko Widodo was asked to issue amnesty, not clemency, for Baiq Nuril, who was sentenced by the Supreme Court to six months in prison and a fine of Rp500 million. The Supreme Court said Baiq "had violated the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (ITE)" in the case of information dissemination of the headmaster's obscene conversation where he had worked. The Supreme Court judge said Baiq was deemed to have "distributed or transmitted decency content". Aziz Fauzi, lawyer for Baiq Nuril, said the offer of clemency from President Jokowi would be rejected because clemency implies his client is guilty. "This clemency means that our clients were found guilty and begging for forgiveness. While the conditions of the case were Baiq Nuril, our client was not wrong. The decision of the Mataram District Court stated that Baiq was not proven guilty. "The formal law shows that the evidence submitted to ensnare our clients is invalid an

Andika Perkasa, Advancing Very Rapidly Deputy Chief Justice Hendropriyono, Chief of the Army Chief of Staff

Channel Rakyat . Jenderal Andika Perkasa resmi menjabat sebagai Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat (KSAD) menggantikan Jenderal Mulyono yang akan pensiun pada Januari 2019. Ia berdiri tegak dengan badan kekarnya untuk diambil sumpah oleh Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Negara, Kamis (22/11). Menantu mantan Kepala Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) Abdullah Mahmud Hendropriyono itu kini dipercaya sebagai orang nomor satu di matra TNI AD. Suami Dyah Erwiyani, anak pertama Hendropriyono, ini sebelumnya menjabat panglima Komando Strategis Angkatan Darat (Pangkostrad) sejak 23 Juli 2018. Hendropriyono sendiri tercatat sebagai salah satu anggota tim sukses pasangan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla dalam Pilpres 2014 lalu. Andika Perkasa, pria kelahiran Bandung 21 Desember 1964 silam itu dikenal sebagai perwira militer yang memiliki karier cemerlang. Lulusan Akademi Militer tahun 1987 itu mengawali kariernya dengan bergabung di satuan elit Komando Pasukan Khusus (Kopassus) sebagai komandan peleton. Penerima Bintang

Prabowo Subianto: Political Costs in Indonesia Are Very Expensive

Buletin Nasional . Presidential candidate number 02 Prabowo Subianto fully supports efforts to minimize political costs in Indonesia. One of them is the witness funding policy charged to the state. "So I am very supportive, we have to find ways to reduce political costs if possible. I strongly support the efforts of these efforts, of course, not to burden state income," Prabowo said at Klender Stadium, East Jakarta, Wednesday (10/24/2018). According to him, the political system in Indonesia now makes political costs expensive. Media campaigns should be regarded as public services so they do not use personal money. Accordingly, according to him, each candidate pair in the General Election has the same opportunity and portion in disseminating its vision and mission. "The virtual world is not privately owned, it belongs to the nation and the state and the people. So if it is for the public service for the benefit of the community, it should not pay. Billboards during the ca

Observers Mention There Are Political Symptoms Of Snatching During The Campaign

Poros Nasional . Political observer from Exposit Strategic Arif Susanto said there were symptoms of mock politics in the two months of the 2019 General Election campaign. According to him, the symptoms of mock politics were seen from the behavior of political elites who tended to attack each other with stern and emotionally inclined statements. He said the symptom of the political mockery had impressed the political ideas of the elite. "In the campaign period we now find a symptom of mockery, namely when political elites more often exploit the emotions of the masses through slanderous statements rather than exploring excellence through program offers," Arif said in a discussion in the Central Jakarta area on Wednesday (11/21). He explained some forms of banter politics. First the elites convey messages that are superficial, superficial, not substantial and tend to be fabricated. One is the statement of candidate number vice president 02 Sandiaga about tempe as thin as ATM. Th